HOA Dues and Assessments Resources
The management of a homeowners association depends on the collection of dues and assessments from the members. This link provides access to forms, guides, and documents that involve issues pertaining to dues and assessments.
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This form may be used by a homeowners association to provide a homeowner with an itemization of delinquent amounts that…
This form may be used to establish a payment schedule for a homeowner to pay delinquent regular or special assessments,…
HOA’s use this form to reach out to homeowners / members regarding annual and special assessment fees. Includes option for…
Directors Resolution Adopting Policy for Imposition of Fines & Schedule of Fines

This form is for use to document a resolution by an association’s board of directors adopting a policy for the…
This form may be used to document a decision by an association’s board of directors concerning the imposition of a…
This form complies with Florida Statute §720.3085(5) and is for a homeowners association that has recorded a lien against a…
This form complies with Florida Statute §718.116(6)(b) and is for use by an association to provide a homeowner with notice…
This form may be used by an association to notify a member of a decision made by the association’s board…
This form is an example of an association’s policy for the imposition of fines for violations of the association’s governing…